
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

m 25 yrs old female...and i was at the grocery store and decided to check my blood pressure. my blood pressure was normal but my pulse rate is out of control. that means my heart beats twice faster than a normal heart.

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

That heart rate is very fast. the normal heart rate is from 60 to 100 beats per minute. If your blood pressure is normal it should follow that your pulse rate should be normal but it is not. given the fact that you are in a grocery and you are up and about, both your blood pressure and heart rate should be up. I am just wondering if you have any heart rate irregularities. if not, have yourself go the doctor and ask him to do an ECG or EKG. This is to check if there is a problem with the rhythm of your heart.

We can;t just assume here that you have a heart problem because we need tests for us to be able to diagnose that. so, the best way is to have yourself tested.

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

not quite twice as fast but go to a doc

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

No, that is not a normal resting rate. Of course, at the grocery store you not at rest, you are walking around and pushing a cart. Check the equipment, re-check your pulse manually (on your wrist or neck).

Check you pulse a couple of different times, always after sitting down for at least two minutes.

A normal resting pulse rate is around 72-80 bpm.

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

To start ...... what is Your normal heart rate? Everyones is diffrent. Check with your Doctor and talk with them and see if you need to me monitored for underlying problems that could cause a fast heart rate. Good Luck

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

A normal pulse rate is 80 - 100 bpm. The pulse can go higher temporarily if you are suffering anxiety or fright or are exercising. High pulse rate can happen even with normal blood pressure. Certain medical conditions such as anemia can cause high pulse rates. If this persists and is reproducible, see your physician. If it goes on for a long time you can get enlargement of the heart, since it is working harder - this is not good. There are medications known as beta blockers to treat this condition.

Is it normal for my pulse rate to be 136 bpm?

the normal heart rate is 60 to 100 if you ativate yourself your heart rate will increase, this is probably why it increases you do active grocery shopping that means you move continuouslyy

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

I%26#039;m 18 %26amp;for almost 3 years now i%26#039;ve been suffering from Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome, also known as dysautonomia. Somehow my little mitral valve in my heart is causing all sorts of problems for me.

I suffer from the following symptoms of MVPS:

-Tachycardia- my heart will often go up to rates of 160-180 and stay up for anywhere from 3-8 hours causing severe chest pain and shortness of breath

-Anxiety %26amp; Panic attacks

-Horrible headaches

-Inability to concentrate

-Bad reactions to adrenaline(my body reacts horribly to adrenaline, when I get scared or anything like that I get muscle spasms and my body shakes sometimes for up to an hour)


I find it very difficult to work under these circumstances and my doctor tells me I should be on disability but I went to a lawyer and he said they wouldn%26#039;t approve me? Is this true or should I see a different lawyer

I really need the money for school but I fear I won%26#039;t be able to keep whatever job I find with all this going on :-/

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

You don%26#039;t need a lawyer to apply for disability. The doctor who told you - you should be on disability is right. Your heart disease qualifies you and not the other problems like horrible headaches or panic attacks; etc. You need him to write up a certification to that effect. Ask him to put it in writing his findings and reason for the disability application.

It took me well over 8 months to fight for mine. Plus countless doctors%26#039; visits and doctor%26#039;s medical reports and evaluations and surgeries. SSA ( social security administration) did pay it all retroactively from the time I became disabled. I didn%26#039;t use a lawyer and saved way over $4,000.00.( SSA mentioned this because they usually withhold that fees)

Also, because you%26#039;re young, you should go for the MVR ( mitral valve replacement ) surgery. I%26#039;m sure it will certainly improve the quality of your life.

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

surgery?....might help

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

I reckon you should be able to claim disability for that, get a claim form from your social security or job centre and see if they accept you

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

Disability living allowance is nothing to do with lawyers just go onto and fill in the application on line.

Good luck

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

Of course you should get social security disability.. Collect all your doctor information, names addresses and phones number. Call social security. Ask them to send you an application for disabilty. The the number is 1-800-772-1213. Now yes you might be turn down. BUT you then get a lawyer. I live in Michigan and that%26#039;s how I got my disability. They turned me down and I had brain surgery and was left with numerour problems. I%26#039;ve even got a hole in my skull. The neat thing about this is that you will get a big fat check once you are approve. It covers back pay from the day you filled out your application. FIGHT, lawyers get a percentage for the case but you don%26#039;t pay anything up front. DO fight. I%26#039;ve have done a lot of research on this even had a letter published in our local paper. Thousands get turned down at their first try. You can do this.

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

The problem is that you are asking a lawyer about your ability to work is like asking a doctor about a law suit. The bottom line is with your problems face years of medical supervision and companies don%26#039;t hire because of the cost to their insurance. It may take longer but I think the stress of working will do more harm than good.

I don%26#039;t know about heart conditions but if you have a medical condition it is very hard to find work. As for school they can%26#039;t turn you down. Good luck and God be with you.

What is the success rate for someone going in for angioplasty?

Also, what is the success rate for a stint being put into their heart valve?

What is the success rate for someone going in for angioplasty?

The stent is a small mesh-like tube that is deployed to the inside of your coronary artery. A balloon is advanced the where the lesion exists, then inflated, essentially crushing the plaque open. A stent is then deployed to the area to keep it open.

If the lesion is amenable to angioplasty then they are very successful - it is rare that an attempt to deploy a stent is made and can not be done, or a complication intercedes. On the other hand there can be lesions that can not be reached, completely blocked, or in a vessel or place in a vessel that would not improve your condition or heart function. In those cases, often no intervention is performed.

It is a very common procedure that has very few down sides and many up sides. I have seen patients come back a week after the procedure and say %26quot;I haven%26#039;t felt this good in 20 years.%26quot; The results can be really dramatic.

Good luck and good health. I hope this helps.

What is the success rate for someone going in for angioplasty?

pretty sucessful

go for it.

Dxing a Walking Heart Attack?

I%26#039;ve read about some people who%26#039;ve had heart attacks without necessarily knowing they%26#039;ve had them. This is probably a stupid question, but I was thinking about how diabetes is diagnosed if the blood sugar is a certain number after fasting or whatever. Is there a certain pulse rate and/or blood pressure which is considered a heart attack? I do understand that a heart attack is where a blood vessel in the heart bursts and vital signs an vary a lot from person to person, but I am wondering if there is some kind of number where heart attack is certain....

Dxing a Walking Heart Attack?

A heart attack is a myocardial infarction. It is caused when an artery supplying blood to the heart is blocked starving the heart muscle of oxygen.

The only %26quot;easy%26#039; tests I am aware of is an EKG where they look for %26quot; T- wave abnormalities%26quot; (don%26#039;t ask me what a T-wave is). I understand the T-wave shows the heart is starved for oxygen. When I was in the hospital the nurses would come and yell at me when my T-wave %26quot;inverted%26quot; because I didn%26#039;t press the nurses button. ( I didn%26#039;t feel anything) There is also a blood test to check for an enzyme that the heart generates when it is starved for oxygen.

Dxing a Walking Heart Attack?

there%26#039;s no certain BP for a person to experience heart attack as long as you adhere to the treatment regiment to control hypertension everything will be ok.. over 140/90 is hypertensive anyone who is high blood can experience heart attack..when your heart%26#039;s workload is increased %26amp; it cannot compensate the changes %26amp; lack of blood supply on the myocardium (myocardial infarction) w/c also decreased cardiac output..

diabetes can predispose you to have hypertension, because of decrease renal perfusion your heart tends to compensate by increasing blood flow therefore increases heart%26#039;s work load..%26amp; kidneys secretes angiotensin 2 w/c is a vasoconstrictor

Dxing a Walking Heart Attack?

Sound like you have a career as a doctor in your future. And no, there is no magic bullet, and the real number to be worried about is 0.

Dxing a Walking Heart Attack?

no changes in pulse rate or blood pressure indicate a heart attack...some people do have heart attacks with mild, vague, or absence of the typical complaints, no crushing chest pains, no sweating or nausea, no shortness of breath, etc....the EKG recording will show either a heart attack in progress, or one that has happened in the past....

Dxing a Walking Heart Attack?

There are patients who have nonspecific symptoms that can be mistaken for other ailments such as heartburn, indigestion, muscle spasm, etc. An ECG will show if a heart attack is happening, or has happened in the past.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

Little history of today and the last month.

I had to call and reschedule my Nuclear heart testing today.*they closed anyway at noon do to road conditions*. I have had bad chest pains and numbing in my arms and my hand. My pulse rate keeps going to 110 and I swear it skips a little bit at times. When I went to the docs last week they scheduled the heart clinic and I went for first consult.

My Doctors office called with my cholestrol test at 9am. Now there closed to at noon by the way. Results 268, HDL-41, LDL-168,

Tri 297, They called to say they were giving me Lipitor and what place to send it to. Like it matters I cant get to it. lol

They told me to take the xanax as I needed. But they never told me to take the asprin at either visit. Should I take some? Could it hurt without knowing what exactly is going on with my heart yet? I just want to lower my pulse rate and help with the pains I have in my chest.

Calling the Er seems dumb for this. (Since Doc is closed)

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

sure, take one aspirin, it won%26#039;t hurt, it might help. Take the xanax too, then sit in a comfy chair and try to relax. Chest pain from anxiety is self limiting and should not last more than 15 minutes at a time. If you are having chest pains lasting longer then I suggest you get to the ER, don%26#039;t call them, if you must call an ambulance, don%26#039;t drive yourself.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

you need to call an ems you are having a heart attack you need to get to the hospital asap

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

I%26#039;m a nurse and I am also in the blizzard. The ER is the best idea for your symptoms. Take care and all the best.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

Zanax will calm you if you are having an anxiety issue. But be your own health advocate. My father died of a massive heart attack because he ignored the %26quot;symptoms%26quot; of his heart attack.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

if you have insurance, go to ER and see if they can%26#039;t bring your pulse rate down.

it is not good to let your pulse race unchecked....especially, if you feel it skip.

bottom line....go get checked out right now if you are having chest pain.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

Why are you wasting time asking questions here??? GET YOUR BUTT TO THE ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

I wouldn%26#039;t jump to the conclusion you are having a heart attack. From this situation you described, it sounds like an anxiety type issue. If you have been prescribed Xanax then it my be an anxiety attack. I would take a minute concentrate on your breathing and slow it down. If you feel like your health is in imminent danger call 911.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

Wow Sweetie, you can take an aspirin, if there is a blood clot it will help thin it, that is high very high for your cholesterol, if you have difficulty lifting your arms, smiling, saying a simple sentence you could be having a stroke, if you feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest that is a heart attack call 911. Do not delay. the thing to remember right now is to stay calm, deep breath slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, you could be under stress and this should help you to calm down. Stay as calm as possible and call 911, they can see if there is anything happening. Good luck, God bless and put angels on your pillows.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

If you are having chest pain with a pulse of 110, call 911 and get to a hospital at once. You may be having a heart attack or a rythmn distrubance.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

who says 110 is high, I had mine up to 117 during rehab it was 111 when I started

Your HDL is close to the 45 they want as a min., I took my HDL from

34 to 73 in a year with the whole grain breakfast deal

My LDL is 177

My try went down My total is the same as yours and they are not worried about it.

Lipitor gave me flu like symptoms tight chest and tight throut and High Blood pressure

60% of the folks that have heart attacks are in this range

it%26#039;s a pill pushing scheme

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

If your hands and arms are numb I would call an ambulance, go ahead and take some aspirin, it%26#039;ll help with the pain.

We are in a blizzard and I am having chest pain with a pulse rate of 110?

All I know is that ANYTIME you have chest pains, you should seek medical attention. Please have someone drive you to the hospital as cautiously as possible. Take care!

Rate my exodia deck? yugioh?

i have 9 spaces where i have taken cards out n i wanna put some high attack and defence lvl 3 normal monsters in ... any ideas for what would fill this gap?

17x Monster

5 pieces of exodia (head, left leg, left arm, right arm, right leg)

3x jerry beans man

3x mad lobster

3x giant soldier of stone

2x dragon zombie

gemini imps

8x Spell

2x heart of the underdog

2x card trader

level limit area B

dark eruption

mystical space typhoon


6x trap

2x skill drain

2x back-up soldier

gravity bind


cards i took out are 3x reckless greed, 3x jar of greed and 3x legacy of yata-garasu

dont tell me the balance is wrong in this deck because as soon as it gets a skill drain and/or heart of the underdog it draws all the cards it will need ... n dont suggest infinite hand because i normally have card trader, skill drain, 2x heart of the underdog and either gravity bind or level limit ... rate and suggest cards please

Rate my exodia deck? yugioh?

get wall of revealing light. Get DNA transplant and dragon capture jar ( wit DNA transplant choose dragon) or put insect barrier.

Rate my exodia deck? yugioh?

put in monsters that have flip effects like %26quot;dekoichi the battlechanted locomotive%26quot; add 3 in there and when they attack while face down they flip and you draw a card, easy as pie.....get 2 more wabokus, 3 sakuretsus, 1 magic cylinder and 3 draining shields, all that will stop your opponent from attacking, and raising and saving your life points.

Rate my exodia deck? yugioh?

I was going to make a exodia deck like adrian gecko but I cant get the exodia pieces but look out for the exodia ultimate god that a killer card.

Why is The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things rated R....?

I saw it was rated R, and was wondering why? Are there inapropriate scenes? if so, how inapropriate (like, what happens) I%26#039;m trying to decide if it%26#039;s suitable for my 13 yr old daughter to see.

Thank you very much!

Why is The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things rated R....?

i saw this movie, very intense, an independent film also. The little boy in it gets raped by one of his mother%26#039;s boyfriends, has to go to the hospital to get complications from this fixed, there%26#039;s a lot of drug content, the mother is on every drug out there and says a lot of out there, vulgar things, there%26#039;s a lot of nudity, sex content, drug content, child abuse, etc. I think if you are going to let your daughter watch this movie, you should watch it with her. It%26#039;s also very depressing.

Will Philadelphia's homicide rate ever go down?

I%26#039;m from Philadelphia but thankfully i don%26#039;t live there anymore. but it breaks my heart to see my city which once has the lowest homicide rate as far as urban areas go to the highest homicide rate in the country.

whatever happen to brotherly love?

Will Philadelphia%26#039;s homicide rate ever go down?

Replaced by brothers on drugs

The homicide rate will go down eventually, but only after enough knuckleheads kill each other and aren%26#039;t being replaced with new knuckleheads. So don%26#039;t hold your breath.

The Whole Baltimore/Philly/DC corridor is nothing but a river of blood and bullets sad but true.

Will Philadelphia%26#039;s homicide rate ever go down?


TOP Rated hospitals/medical centers in NY or NJ for Heart Valve Replacement?

My mother has mitral valve stenosis and she needs to get the valve replaced. What are the best hospitals in new york, or even the new jersey area, for replacing a (mitral) valve in the heart. Also, any recommended surgeons?

TOP Rated hospitals/medical centers in NY or NJ for Heart Valve Replacement?

This Patient Guide is written for the loved ones of heart patients who are dealing with the short-term stress that comes with a test, procedure or recent diagnosis of heart disease. It explains why support is so important to a loved one with heart disease. It also offers practical strategies on how to support a loved one while also taking care of yourself.

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What Peopl

Can You Rate It and Edit Alittle? Im 14 years old. Rate Out of 10 please:

Girl I need you Day and Night

I remember how we used to Ride

Everything will go Alright

As Long as You Are By My Side

We%26#039;ll always be more than friends

Our hearts will never be apart

I need you here until the end

You will always remain in my heart

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

You are just mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit on the Damn Phone

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To get through to you

Girl I need you, and its true

My heart goes away

I will keep waiting for you

I really want you so I pray

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

it is a good start. as it is i give the lyrics a 6, but you are only a couple of changes away from a solid 8. as for the flow of the song. it flows in my head to an r%26amp;b tune i just made up while reading your lyrics. below are my suggested changes. i hope they are a help to you.

you might think about keeping the first section in the same tense (past or present).

Girl I need you day and night

I remember how we use to ride

Everthing WOULD go alright

As long as you WERE by my side

I feel the second section should read as follows....

We%26#039;ll always be more than friends

I need you here until the end

You will always BE in my heart

THEY will never be apart

the third line of the following just doesn%26#039;t make sense to me.

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed (THIS LINE DOESN%26#039;T FIT)

You would take my last breath (Breath)

You are just mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest (WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?)

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit on the Phone (%26quot;Damn is not needed)

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To get through to you

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

it sucked, no im kidding, i didnt read it.

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

i dunno how it goes like the rythm but 4 a 14 year old its good id rate it about 8

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

Don%26#039;t sacrifice the meaning of your song, just so that the lyrics can rhyme.

I hate that more than anything.

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

i wouls rate it a 7 and a half

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

Why don%26#039;t you visit where you can get your lyrics critiqued by several members

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

Girl I need you day and night

I remember how we used to Ride

Everything will go Alright

As Long as You Are By My Side

We%26#039;ll always be more than a friend

Our hearts will never be apart

I need you here until the end

You will always remain in my heart

Your eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

That we will never part (part)

Always you%26#039;ll be mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit by the damn phone

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To get through to you

Girl I need you, and its true

My love will never stray

I will keep waiting for you

I really want you so I pray

This song is excellent for your young age. Hope you like my changes. Try and choose your chorus to repeat between verses, and don%26#039;t add anymore as in your additional details, it makes the song too long. I write songs but some of them don%26#039;t suit my voice at all, I can hear a different voice singing it. Try and teach a friend whose voice you think suits what you hear in your head. Good luck and keep on writing.

Can Anyone Rate or Edit My Song a little because This is my First Song And I want To Know What People Think?

it%26#039;s a little long, try to choose a chorus and figure out the best order for the verses and then you can add in a few(but not too many) bridges and other extra parts, remember: Quality before Quantity

What is " The Heart is Deceitful of all things" rated??? And what is it about????

i really want to see this movie because it has Dylan and Cole sprouse in it and i am like totally in Love with COLE SPROUSE!!!!!!!!!!AHH I LOVE HIM....thanks

What is %26quot; The Heart is Deceitful of all things%26quot; rated??? And what is it about????

It is rated R.

Here is a page all about it.

11 heart attacks?

Can a person survive the following for 5 years?

I call it a hyper-force attack. This is where there is an ectopic heart beat following by a sudden increase in cardiac force and cardiac rate, to the piont at which the person passes out.

11 hyper-force attacks

Also they get arrythmias, such as ectopic beats, hypersensitive reaction to mild stimuli of high cardiac force

and tachycardia and a tendancy to get arrythmias mainly when the stomach spasms and rumbles?

Would these cardiac contraction force attacks be kinds of heart attacks?

Can a person survive all this after 5 years. Remember 11 heart attacks?

What is the odds? No medical treatment.

11 heart attacks?


get off the diet stuff...

and drink alot more water

16 oz in one hour. no more

drink 5 to 8 glasses a day..

get off the bad oil%26#039;s and white breads%26#039;!!!!

no more milk%26#039; from the store...

get more outside air and shine light...

as i said above, NO DIET any thing...!!!!

just do a google on aspartame poison

that alone has 92 Symptoms ...!!!

11 heart attacks?

I will try and answer your question as best as I can - it sounds like you have done alot of research.

In no way is this a heart attack - a heart attack or Myocardial Infarction involves the occulsion of a coronary artery leading to heart muscle being deprived of oxygen and then the muscle dying if oxygen is not restored. Arrythmias are verhy much different to this.

Ectopic beats are referred to by some different names but most commonly they are called either ectopics or PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) they are very common, they say occur at least once a day in every adult. Most people do not know that they have even occured. When people start to have a few they either feel like their heart has skipped a beat or they have palpitations. What you are describing does not seem like merely ectopic beats alone.

This type of problem really needs to be investigated and diagnosed properly by a cardiologist. In my experience it sounds treatable and by which may not be lethal.

Get some proper medical advice and a diagnosis.

Hope this helps

11 heart attacks?

From what little informtion you gave it sounds more like a vaso-vagal stimulation syncope. Sounds like it%26#039;s time you get a consult with a cardiologist for a tilt table test.

Rate The Song Lyrics and what instrument would sound best:?

Just a random thing I made up, and what would you rate it, Writers age and rating from: 1-5

Your Eyes got me lost

You took my heart, I have nothing left

You leaving me was the cost

It was like a love theft

You are just mine

I promise I wont break a promise

Can I hold you for one last time

Its all because your a godess.

Rate The Song Lyrics and what instrument would sound best:?



Rate The Song Lyrics and what instrument would sound best:?

the %26#039;love theft%26#039; part was weird..... its more like a creepy poem than a song?

Heart Problem?

About a week ago, I started having heart palpitations, where quite regularly, my heart would beat really fast, then go back to it%26#039;s normal rate. Now, every 31 beats (I%26#039;ve counted) it skips a beat - is this normal?

I%26#039;m a cheerleader, and I train nearly every day, and cheer at games each friday. Could this have something to do with it?

Any help would be great.

Mac x

Heart Problem?

heart palpitations need to be checked out. It is probably nothing serious, but don%26#039;t hesitate. Better be safe than sorry. I have had sever heart trouble and it isn%26#039;t fun at all. They can do an echocardiogram and only takes a minute, and check your pulse and heart beat count.==

Heart Problem?

a regular irregularity occurs in approximately 60% of the population, if you don%26#039;t have any other symptoms, like severe chest pain, shortness of breath at rest, or night sweats, I wouldn%26#039;t worry about it.

Heart Problem?

Maybe a murmur for the skipping a beat. Dont sound right, YOU SHOULD NOT be having that. Your right atrium SA node is firing to hard and too often. Your ventricles are not keeping up the the cardiac output. You seriously need to go have a EKG, echocardiogram done.

Good luck.

Heart Problem?

i think you should get it checked out i mean I%26#039;m in love with cheer leading and if there is some thing wronger with Ur Harte that could ruin Ur cheer leading cerrear get it checked out and hope 4 the best ill pray for you

Heart Problem?

I would have it checked out to be on the safe side. It probably isn%26#039;t anything serious considering your age. I used to have heart palpitations quite often when I was younger. I%26#039;m an old lady now of 61. My palpitations were due to 1)stress and 2)hormonal imbalance. However, just go have it checked, ok?

Heart Problem?

Everyone experiences palpitation. A pounding heart seems serious but is usually trivial. It can be brought on by strenuous exercise or intense emotion or can just happen. It is seldom associated with serious disease. Most people who complain of palpitation don%26#039;t have heart disease but are overly concerned about the possibility of such disease and thus overly sensitive to normal heart action. Keep in mind the most frequent causes of rapid heart beat ( other than exercise) are anxiety and fever. The presence of shortness of breath or chest pain increase the chances of a significant problem. Hyperventilation may also cause pounding and chest discomfort, but the heart rate remain less than 120 beats per minute.

Who wants to rate my special poem???

rate it on a scale from 1 to 10


My heart is racing.

Memories flash before my eyes

And dozens of random questions arise.

I am anxious and trembling.

My pulse is growing,

And my impulse is glowing.

I am in physical need of comfort and love.

My mind is going numb,

But surely I will not succumb.

What will happen next?

Who wants to rate my special poem???

It%26#039;s a 10. Kudos.

Who wants to rate my special poem???

i dunno%26lt;i give it an 8

Who wants to rate my special poem???


i give you an 11!

Who wants to rate my special poem???


Who wants to rate my special poem???

sucks just like your mom

Who wants to rate my special poem???

hey i thought that was a really good poem and i would have to give you a10. work and create somemore and they might be just as good or possible better.

Who wants to rate my special poem???

An explosion occurs??

Who wants to rate my special poem???


I love the line

%26quot;memories flash before my eyes%26quot;

Who wants to rate my special poem???


Who wants to rate my special poem???

%26lt;3 im luvin it u r really good =] me so amazed lol NOW DATS GOOD STUFF MAN so uh A 10!

Who wants to rate my special poem???

9 i think its great!

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

when i was about 14/15, i went on a radical diet for about 8 months, eating nothing but celery/vegetables/yogurt/soya and noticed my heart started beating really slowly, about 45 times per min, and also low blood pressure.

now, i%26#039;v noticed my heart seems to miss a beat every 5/6 times although pulse rate is normal and sometimes even more, it was never like this before.

could my diet have been to blame for changing my heart muscle and causing problems, will i have long term damage?

doctors tell me my heart is perfectly healthy, and theres no way i%26#039;v done harm to it, and that these missed beats are normal, but i%26#039;m not so sure.

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

an apple a day can keep the doctor away

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

Yeah, I wouldn%26#039;t worry if you were only like this for less than a year. Trust me, the body can take a good beating and heal itself just fine. Now if you were anorexic for much longer, you need to be honest with the doctor. They%26#039;re required not to share (by law) any information about you to ANYONE.

Sometimes I get heart palpatations from being too dehydrated. I use to get dizzy spells from it also. Just make sure you%26#039;re drinking lots of water and eating healthfully.

If you still feel the same way though, I%26#039;d just go get a 2nd opinion.

Hope this helps!

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

ifyou are unsure scedual another doctors app. ..

but. if they say its norm than ur fine =]

best of luck. my wishes to ya.

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

If the drs are telling you you%26#039;re ok, you probably are. I assume they ran tests?

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

My heart skips a beat sometimes too. I don%26#039;t know if this is from strict dieting or not, I never really thought about that. I guess that could be the cause. I also limited my food intake for a while...

You may have a heart murmur... But I%26#039;m surprised your doctor wasn%26#039;t able to diagnose that. Try another doctor and do some research on your own. It does scare me sometimes when it happens, but it%26#039;s probably not as often as you. Sorry, try a different doctor, it%26#039;s better to be safe than sorry right?

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

It%26#039;s probably from not excersizing try to exercise

u dont have a high enough metabolism

Could anorexia have permanently damaged my heart?

Try a naturopathic physician. Search on the web for natropathic physicians in your area. Conventional mainstream doctors practice negative medicine and don%26#039;t understand the body as a holistic entity. Their main interest and concern is money. Did your so-called doctors show you the results on your EKG, or blood chemistry results? I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in 2003, and my naturopathic doctor prescribed Omega 3s, magnesium, and Cordiodorum, and I have realized great improvement.

Can You Rate My very First Lyrics Out Of 10 And Edit It Please, Im planing on R&B Genre But What

Guess My Age for the Lyrics and Please Rate and Edit it:

Girl I need you Day and Night

Lifes Not The Same Without You

Everything would go Alright

As Long as You were By My Side

We%26#039;ll always be more than friends

I need you here until the end

You will always Be in my heart

They will never be apart

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

You are just mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit on the Phone

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To start something new

Girl I need you, and its true

When I see You, My heart blows away

This is nothing new

I think About You All Day

Can You Rate My very First Lyrics Out Of 10 And Edit It Please, Im planing on R%26amp;B Genre But What Is Best 4 it?

Yer 15.

Rate This poem I made for science.?

Dont ask its very random and olny some things rym, so yea. rate it like a+, b-, c+ that kinda thing/..

Everyone has to have a heart,

Even if it is cold and dark,

It keeps the blood pumping,

So you can keep on jumping,

If there was no heart,

Then everything would be dark.

Rate This poem I made for science.?

I think you need to rhyme heart with something else besides dark. Using the same rhyme twice makes it look like you can%26#039;t think of a different rhyme. The first part about %26quot;cold and dark%26quot; doesn%26#039;t make sense to me.

Can you make a line that ends in %26quot;part%26quot; or %26quot;start%26quot; ?

If I were grading this, I%26#039;d be glad you did your homework, but I wouldn%26#039;t rate it higher than C or D because only the middle two lines make sense.

Rate This poem I made for science.?


Rate This poem I made for science.?


its not very scientific, if that%26#039;s wat ur aiming for...

What would you rate the starting lyrics to this song?

Just a random thing I made up, and what would you rate it, Writers age and rating from: 1-5

Your Eyes got me lost

You took my heart, I have nothing left

You leaving me was the cost

It was like a love theft

You are just mine

I promise I wont break a promise

Can I hold you for one last time

Its all because your a godess.

What would you rate the starting lyrics to this song?

Pretty Good I thought.Maybe a 3.I have trouble putting exactly how I feel in writing but it seems like you got it down. I would say all you need is a catchy guitar riff in the beginning followed by a very rythmic baseline going into the lyrics then have a moment when the guitar comes back in right around godess right on a downbeat into a fast paced chorus.I dunno.Just something I guess.

What would you rate the starting lyrics to this song?

it was pretty good i would give it a 2 and a half its good and all but it all doesnt mix well together lik the end with the beg.

Has anyone here had a heart attack? What does it feel like?

I have had a vague pain in my left arm, and I feel nauseas. There%26#039;s a stomach bug in my house, though, so that may explain the nausea. I%26#039;ve had a history of anxiety, though, and I worry about EVERYTHING. Right now, though, it%26#039;s interferring with my life. My heart beats real fast, and I am terrified that I am going to drop dead at any minute. A little history. I%26#039;m 29, a mom of two, within a normal BMI, a smoker, and using hormonal birth control (Mirena IUD).

At any rate, I want to know if you%26#039;re really having a heart attack, is it different than the vague pains you get with anxiety?

Has anyone here had a heart attack? What does it feel like?

I had a heart attack earlier this year. My symptoms did not include pain in my left arm or nausea; I had moderate chest pain and moderate sweating.

However, you need to understand that different people have different symptoms, so the symptoms I had do not indicate the symptoms any other particular person is likely to have.

I was reluctant to go to the hospital because I had gone to the emergency room once before with almost identical symptoms about 15 years ago. (That time it was acid indigestion.) When the symptoms were not reduced by taking an antacid I decided it was better to be safe than sorry and went to the hospital and did not get out until after I had coronary artery bypass surgery.

From my experience I can say the symptoms may appear similar to those caused by something else, so if you think it might be a heart problem you should have it checked out as soon as possible.

Has anyone here had a heart attack? What does it feel like?

No, I haven%26#039;t had a heart attack, but as a nurse I can tell you that as a woman the signs are much different than as a man. Sometimes you will feel pressure instead of pain the chest area. Sometimes you will be short of breath, have jaw/tooth pain. Left arm pain/numbess. Feel nauseated. Sometimes you just don%26#039;t feel right. At any rate, I always tell my patients if they don%26#039;t feel right, go to the ER. It%26#039;s always better to be safe than sorry.

Has anyone here had a heart attack? What does it feel like?

your not gonna have a heart attack, dont worry.

signs of a heart attack include chest pain to the point where you can barely move. a heart attack cannot kill you unless you have multiple other problems (none of which you have). basically when you have an attack, one of your chambers in your heart will stop working as the doctors fix it. its really confusing if you dont understand to begin with, but to answer your question, no, your not gonna have a heart attack, and yes, a heart attack is much different than pains you get with anxiety. a however heart attack can be caused from many reasons, ranging from stress, to eating too much.

Has anyone here had a heart attack? What does it feel like?

do you suffer with anxiety

Has anyone here had a heart attack? What does it feel like?

I have had several. Last one was the worst, 2 1/2 weeks ago at 3:00 AM. Woke me up. I was lucky. Pressure on the chest, radiating to my arm and back. I had an angioplasty a few hours later.

Ladies can you please rate this letter on the scale of 1 -10?

ladies can you please rate this letter on the scale of 1 -10.

1=poor 10= excellent:

You are the love of my life. We have been so close, yet so far apart. No matter where my life takes me, my heart is set on you. Like a blossom growing, our friendship gets stronger everyday. feeling safe and closer to you makes a part of me happier than the other. You have become a part of my life and you will always remain in my heart forever.

There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that our hearts have come to dwell together, as one. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my best friend. You are my one true love. The day we met was fate. Our lives intertwining was fate. You are my destiny. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I%26#039;ll love you more tomorrow than I do today. Love is the only thing that makes life worth living. My love. With all my heart I am forever yours.

Ladies can you please rate this letter on the scale of 1 -10?

the letter is great but i bet shed like it better if you looked into her eyes and said it

Ladies can you please rate this letter on the scale of 1 -10?

Tha%26#039;s VERY sweet! I would rate that as a 10. Send it to her, she%26#039;ll love it! And I%26#039;d bet she will rate you as a 10, too, because you wrote it.

Ladies can you please rate this letter on the scale of 1 -10?

i rate this letter an %26quot;8%26quot;. honestly its a good one if it really came from the bottom of your heart. but i think its much too emotional and pathetic and there%26#039;s too much poetry in it... what i mean is, there%26#039;s too much flowery words in it that i think its just meant for flattery and not really true.

but if the person you%26#039;re giving it to is your girlfriend for many years, then it will be fine. but if she%26#039;s just a girl you just met, then its much too heavy.

Ladies can you please rate this letter on the scale of 1 -10?

10. It%26#039;s really sweet and thoughtful.

People Please Edit or Rate My Song Lyrics, And Please Tell Me The Right Genre Please?

Guess My Age for the Lyrics and Please Rate and Edit it:

Girl I need you Day and Night

Lifes Not The Same Without You

Everything would go Alright

As Long as You were By My Side

We%26#039;ll always be more than friends

I need you here until the end

You will always Be in my heart

They will never be apart

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

You are just mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit on the Phone

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To start something new

Girl I need you, and its true

When I see You, My heart blows away

This is nothing new

I think About You All Day

People Please Edit or Rate My Song Lyrics, And Please Tell Me The Right Genre Please?

I%26#039;m not being funny when i say that, based on these lyrics, i would guess your age to be about 13 and the genre of music would be %26quot;boy band%26quot;. These lyrics are really quite generic and they don%26#039;t seem to reflect any real personal emotion on your part at all. The rhymes are all very common and old, and literally anyone could%26#039;ve written this. Sorry, just being honest.

Divorce rate?

Why is it that a Bleeding Heart Liberal state like Massachusetts that have Gay rights have the lowest Divorce rate in the US, you would think that a Conservative states that talk about Jesus Christ and G.W Bush would have the lowest, why is that?

Divorce rate?

Because there%26#039;s a higher rate of mental illness among conservatives than exists in gays.

Divorce rate?


Divorce rate?

Because more gay people are more devoted to one another than heterosexual people. They are very committed to each other, though some heterosexual people are too. You just happen to see more gays having long lasting relationships.

Divorce rate?

I have GOT to watch this one - I LOVED this question!

My answer hypocrites!

Can u rate my yu gi oh deck?

2 d hero defenders 2blade masters 2linear acceleratorcannon 1 negate attack 3 captin tenacious 2 doom lords 3fear mongers 2destiny mirages 1 h heated heart 1 neos 1 d time 1 mausoleum of the emporer 1 misfortune 1 magical hats 2 d chains 1sakuretsu armor 1call of the haunted 1 wild heart 1 mirror gate 1 dogma 1 dread master 1spellbinding circle 1 flash of the forbidin spell 1 dark city 1clock tower prison 1 neo-spacian air humming bird 1 d- spirit 1 cyclone blade 1 creature swap 1 d shield and 1 reinforcment of the army can u plz rate this deck its my d hero deck and rate it 1-10

Can u rate my yu gi oh deck?


Can u rate my yu gi oh deck?

definitly a 2 man

lol jk i dont know any thing about yugioh

Can u rate my yu gi oh deck?

To improve your deck, you might need to add a few Command Knights as well as a few Marauding Captains as well as one more Reinforcement of the army.

Can u rate my yu gi oh deck?

umm take out heated heart neos call of the haunted(its banned now and they put monster reborn back in only beacuse of the call of haunted can be used for a chain so ya put in monster reborn take out hummingbird put in d hero double dude and d hero malicious cyclone blade is useless put in dreadmaster and dogma too.. also add evil hero malicious edge and evil hero malicious fiend but stm ur deck is a 6/10 or so

Rate this song?

I am 11! Rate it from 1-10 and tell me what it needs to work on and etc! It has a hip-hop pop tune to it.

You broke what was left of me

You took my heart and hid it in your sleeve

I didn%26#039;t have time to flee

I felt as cold as ice

i thought you would be nice

but the promises you broke

filled me up with smoke

unable to know the way

should i stay here

and let this happen again

or should i leave now and see what is out there- ow

(Chorus) I feel broken, U have taken all my heart, u ripped me into shreds, I think u%26#039;ve lost ur head, is it true there is no more me and you? help me please, i don%26#039;t want to see, i want to believe that we can be but i know it%26#039;s not.

So i know that if i see you one more time

My heart will dissapeer

and i will be left with tears

oh baby

someone help me out here

i have such fears

no one to hold onto

no tightness

no warmth


chorus 2 times


do u like it?

Rate this song?

a 5 you said the same things twice


Rate this song?


Rate this song?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I%26#039;d probably give it a 5.

Premature babies and heart defect?

I do not know if it is the case with a baby with a heart that has repaired it%26#039;s self when they have a congental heart condition; but I know it is the case with a baby that has a continuing defect.

51% death rate by the age of 10.

Is this incorperating babies with healed congenital heart problems.

To read an extract of this, refere to this page.

Look at the %26#039;section 2 of 11%26#039; %26gt; %26#039;Mortality/Morbidity%26#039; %26gt; bullet piont 3

Tell me about this?


Premature babies and heart defect?

I have a CHD called truncus arteriosus, and will be 28 in March :) Most CHDs can be repaired with surgery these days, and CHD patients usually lead normal healthy lives, with just some limits due to the condition. It is very important to continue seeing a cardiologist who specializes in CHDs, even if a repair has been made by surgery. Adults with CHDs were once a rarity, but technological advances have made more people with CHDs survive into adulthood. There is a growing number of cardiologists who specialize in adults with CHD, bacause the survival rate is increasing.

I am not sure what exactly being premature and having CHD can do to a person%26#039;s health, but i do know that premature babies have a lot of health issues overall in the long term. CHDs are not caused by prematurity though, they happen when the heart is formed, and CHDs do not cause prematurity either.

Rate Ma Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck!!!!?

Here Is My Deck - (I Have Changed It A Bit)

Monsters :

super conductor tyranno

Gemeni Elf


skilled dark magician

Vorse Raider

ancient gear golem

luster dragon

blue-eyes white dragon

skilled dark magician

slate warrior

breaker the magical warrior

Gemini Elf


luster dragon

Gemini Elf


sakuretsu armor

magic cylinder

trap hole

ordeal of a traveler

sakuretsu armor

Mirror Force

call of the haunted

ordeal of a traveler

magic cylinder

trap jammer

magic jammer



tribute to the doomed

harpie%26#039;s feather duster

graceful charity

United We Stand

monster reborn

lightning vortex

premature burial

change of heart

nitro unit

mage power

heavy storm

mystical space typhoon

nobleman of crossout

Plz Rate Me Any Tell Me Any Faults About My Deck And What Could Make Me Better.

Thank You Very Much.

Rate Ma Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck!!!!?


Rate Ma Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck!!!!?


Rate Ma Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck!!!!?

i r8 u a 6.5/10

take out blue eyes

Rate Ma Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck!!!!?

i am going to rate your deck into 5 categories




DEFENCE 4.9/10

OVERALL 7.8/10

its quite a good deck just take out blue eyes, and also try to keep it to one theme eg dragons, machines or warriors, you have a mix between dragons and machines i would take out blue eyes and ancient gear golem - hope this helps.

Rate Ma Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck!!!!?

ok could be better

Rate my life?

okay how would you rate my life on a scale of 1-10

my bff moved away

my cat died

my grandma died

my uncle got cancer

i found out my dad has to go to jail again for dwi

my uncle had a heart attack

my grandma having a heart atack

ten would be the worst 0 the greatset

Rate my life?

come on now you don%26#039;t need people to rate your life just so you can feel worse.... your in a tough time now and you have to be strong.... hold your head up high and you will get through this.... good luck



Rate my life?


Rate my life?

i feel very sorry for u

Rate my life?

I hope this isn%26#039;t going to sound too mean but, don%26#039;t feel so sorry for yourself. I%26#039;m sure you are going through a very tough time, but don%26#039;t retreat into yourself. You need to be there for you family, and most importantly for yourself.

Rate my life?

I don%26#039;t think you need us to answer that sweetie... I%26#039;m so sorry for everything you%26#039;re going through, just hang on in there, as hard as it may be you are a strong person and you can take all the world%26#039;s got to throw at you, although here%26#039;s hoping it finally decides to throw you some luck...

Rate my life?

I feel bad for you :(

But you are only giving the bad points of your life. Is there anything good going on?

You must be a strong person out of all this... so just think about that.

I don%26#039;t even know you and you seem strong as a person.

I hope you are ok :) x

Rate my life?

Look, I do know how you are feeling. But it%26#039;s a scary path you%26#039;re going down, trust me, and it can be so hard to overcome, so when I start to go down it I try look at all the good things in my life, and if that fails, I%26#039;ll do other things, like dance, watch a comedy show, draw, etc. Just keep my mind away from those thoughts and they do go away for a bit.

I know this isn%26#039;t what you wanted. You wanted a rating, but I don%26#039;t think I can give you one. Truly, only you can, because you know both the good and bad things in your life.

Rate my life?

i dont really want to but if i had to it would be an 8

Rate my life?

A lot of these things have happened in my life too. Take it easy and be optimistic. Look at the bright side. It%26#039;s good to keep a journal of everything so you can let your feelings out. Don%26#039;t be afraid to cry. It feels good. Make sure you keep in touch with your BFF!

Rate my life?

6. my life is worse.

my dog died

my hamster died

my grandma died 4 days before my dog died

my dog%26#039;s birthday was two day%26#039;s after my other dog died and two days before my grandma died

both of my grandpas died on the same day (march 1st)

my parents are divorced (since i was two)

my dad got remarried when i was four

my stepmom hits me

i hate her and she hates me

i have depression

i have ocd

i have synesthesia

well, that%26#039;s about it... how would you rate mine?

Rate my life? your chose to only name the bad things..a Zero..

Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?



-Airknight Parshath

-Darkk Ruler Ha Des

Special Summons

-Chaos Sorcerer

-Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining

-Choas Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

Normal Summons

-Breaker the Magical Warior




-D.D. Warrior Lady

-Night Assailant

-Spirit Reaper

-Herald of Creation x2(Out for Something?)

-Snipe Hunter(Out for Something?)

-Winged Kuriboh(Out for Something?)

-Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke(Out for Something?)

-Magician of Faith

-Witch of the Black Forest

-Crystal Seer

-Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer


-Swords of Revealing Light


-Heavy Storm

-Premature Burial

-Dark Hole

-Monster Reborn

-Snatch Steal

-Shield Crush


-Pot of Avarice

-Graceful Charity

-Pot of Greed

-Change of Heart


-Mirror Force

-Ring of Destruction

-Magic Drain

-Call of the Haunted

-Torrential Tribute

Rate it 1/10.

Suggestion if you would please.

Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?

just add some effective traps %26amp; this will be perfect


Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?


Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?


Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?

You need way more traps. Most of your magic cards are useful at the correct times. Yay Jinzo.

Special Summons are hard to get into play.

Havent played in a while, so I cant give u a number.

Have fun with YUGIOH

Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?

-1 kuriboh

-1 sasuke

-1 swords

+3 thunder dragon

-1 crush

-1 shrink

+1 brain control

+1 harpie%26#039;s feather duster

-1 magic drain


tradition format%26#039;s lame, go advanced!

Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?


Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?

I rate it 10/10 but you said that we rate you 1/10:

you said :Rate it 1/10.

Suggestion if you would please.

it is true look at your question.

but I wan%26#039;t to rate it 10/10 not 1/10

and you said this too,in your first question:

Rate my YUGIOH deck 1/10?



-Airknight Parshath

-Darkk Ruler Ha Des

Special Summons

-Chaos Sorcerer

-Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining

-Choas Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

Normal Summons

-Breaker the Magical Warior




-D.D. Warrior Lady

-Night Assailant

-Spirit Reaper

-Herald of Creation x2(Out for Something?)

-Snipe Hunter(Out for Something?)

-Winged Kuriboh(Out for Something?)

-Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke(Out for Something?)

-Magician of Faith

-Witch of the Black Forest

-Crystal Seer

-Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer


-Swords of Revealing Light


-Heavy Storm

-Premature Burial

-Dark Hole

-Monster Reborn

-Snatch Steal

-Shield Crush


-Pot of Avarice

-Graceful Charity

-Pot of Greed

-Change of Heart


-Mirror Force

-Ring of Destruction

-Magic Drain

-Call of the Haunted

-Torrential Tribute

Rate it 1/10.

Suggestion if you would please.

What are the medical indications of a high cortisol level and a high sed rate?

I was recently hospitalized and newly diagnosed with hypertension, but in the next month I have to follow up with other doctors because my thyroid level is low. cortisol level is high, and sed rate is high. I do have arthritis. I am a 39 year old female, do not smoke or drink, but do have a strong family history for heart disease and all that. How can all these factors ( sed rate and cortisol level) affect me?

What are the medical indications of a high cortisol level and a high sed rate?

First you do not state what %26#039;type%26#039; of Arthritis? Some forms of Arthritis can have a serious affect on the Thyroid Gland!

Imbalances of the stress hormone cortisol have been reported in patients with fibromylagia. Secreted by the adrenal glands, cortisol helps prime the body%26#039;s %26quot;flight or fight%26quot; response. Higher levels of this hormone can raise blood glucose levels, shift fat metabolism, dampen inflammatory response, and disrupt the sleep-wake cycle. One recent study reported higher baseline levels of cortisol, as measured in saliva, in patients with fibromyalgia compared to controls.

Over time, excess cortisol would be likely to promote chronic anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and increased fat deposits around the midsection of the body. Another study found higher cortisol released in patients with fibromyalgia in response to stimulation of the pituitary hormone, CRH (corticotropin-releasting hormone). This could be the body%26#039;s way of responding to chronic pain and stress.

High cortisol pushes the body to marshall its resources for the short term. The body cannot function well in %26quot;overdrive%26quot; for long periods of time, however. If chronic stress becomes a habitualized response, the adrenal glands may eventually begin to %26quot;wear down%26quot; and %26quot;burn out%26quot;. This can result in adrenal exhaustion, a state in which the body no longer produces enough cortisol (or DHEA, another important adrenal hormone) to maintain adequate energy levels.

Hope that helps?

What are the medical indications of a high cortisol level and a high sed rate?

Both are indicators of your stress level. They don%26#039;t affect you. It is a result of the stress that has been affecting you. Cortisol is what is released to help your body repair after stress damage. Sed rate is an indicator of nonspecific inflammation. It goes hand in hand with arthritis but also could mean arteriosclerosis which is a hardening of the arteries due to inflammation. Your body is sending out an SOS. It is like a smoke signal. You don%26#039;t get affected by the smoke signal. You die from the disaster that is the reason for the SOS. The good news is that because you are watching the signals now you are young enough to reverse some of the damage and teach your body to heal. Low thyroid also indicates that your metabolism is out of wack. My guess is your emotions have led you into this situation and if you get depressed or stressed about the bad report, it will only make it worse. The smoke signals will die down as you put out the fire. Your doctor may prescribe treatment to help your body with this. Just remember it is not the smoke signal that you are trying to treat. It is your lifestyle, mental state, spiritual state, family relationships that are really affecting you. So take a long walks daily with loved ones and watch your stress level indicators decrease.

What are the medical indications of a high cortisol level and a high sed rate?

I have had arthritis now for several years and found something that worked wonders for me, I%26#039;m spreading the word out to all those like me who have arthritis and may find some true relief, its a dietary supplement sold overseas called CMO, and here is where I found it, hope this helps.

What are the medical indications of a high cortisol level and a high sed rate?

By the additional details you provided, I would say that you suffer from seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, just like myself.

The telling signs are the following:

- Joint pain in the feet (or cracking ankles) in the early 20%26#039;s;

- Joint deformities of the fingers, a specific sign of rheumatoid arthritis;

- Negative or low level of Rheumatoid factor;

- X-Rays showing bone erosion, a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis;

- Generalized arthritis, involving the whole body;

- Elevated levels of Sedimentation rate.

As you suspected, a low level of stress and a positive attitude do not lead to a %26quot;cure%26quot; for rheumatoid arthritis or a pain free condition.

NSAIDs like Voltaren, COX-2 inhibitors like Celebrex, acetaminophen like Tylenol, and codeine are all used to control inflammation and relieve the pain of arthritis.

Regular exercise like walking, biking and swimming are also helpful for most patients. Make sure that you are not overweight as carrying too much weight can only increase the pain of arthritis.

You should consult an Orthopaedist who will order blood tests, joint scans and X-Rays to better diagnose the type of arthritis from which you suffer.

Lyme disease doesn%26#039;t seem to be a possibility. Nevertheless, you should ask your doctor to test you for the bacteria causing Lyme disease.

Are there any other cases of arthritis or rheumatic diseases among your relatives? Chronic forms of arthritis are usually prevalent in families where a defective gene is passed on by parents to their children.

There are a few hundred types of arthritis and rheumatic diseases. The good news is that science is progressing rapidly in its understanding of rheumatic diseases.

Antibiotics are now used to achieve full remissions for at least 40%, if not 65% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. For more info, please join our group at:

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really ne

This is my Frist Song and Im 14 please Edit and Rate:

Girl I need you Day and Night

Lifes Not The Same Without You

Everything would go Alright

As Long as You were By My Side

We%26#039;ll always be more than friends

I need you here until the end

You will always Be in my heart

They will never be apart

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

You are just mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit on the Phone

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To start something new

Girl I need you, and its true

When I see You, My heart blows away

This is nothing new

I really want you so I pray

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

i absolutely LOVE it. it%26#039;s an awesome song. considering your still 14. you can go a long way. i wouldn%26#039;t change it. :) but maybe for each one. you shouldn%26#039;t repeat it. like the stuff in the paraphrases! but it%26#039;s your choice.


Girl I need you Day and Night

Lifes Not The Same Without You

Everything would go Alright

As Long as You were By My Side

We%26#039;ll always be more than friends

I need you here until the end

You will always Be in my heart

They will never be apart

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

Your Eyes have me lost (Lost)

Stealing my heart (Heart)

I have my fingers Crossed

You would take my last breath (Breath)

You are just mine (Mine)

Others say im dishonest

Can I hold you for one last time

I swear I wont break a promise (Promise)

Now, I sit on the Phone

Asking for you to come back home

What do I gotta do

To start something new

Girl I need you, and its true

When I see You, My heart blows away

This is nothing new

I really want you so I pray

don%26#039;t write it longer :)

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

I really like it. It sounds like a really good ballad. Add a piano and refine is a little and you%26#039;ve got it. All you have to do is shorten it and repeat the chorus a little less! Great job!

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

-5 too long to read

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

The lyrics are good, cant rate the song without the beat though.

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

yo it socks its so emo you gotta be like this son

%26quot;im the illest alive watch me prove it i%26#039;ll snatch ya crown wit ya head still attached to it%26quot;

PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

thats so sweet!!


PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE! Can You Please RATE My Lyrics Out Of 10 and Edit it a little bit? I really need help.?

I think that it is VERY good, but it is a bit too long, try to shorten it by not repeating your self. Good luck, keep up the good work ;-)

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

Why is it that a Bleeding Heart Liberal state like Massachusetts that have Gay rights have the lowest Divorce rate in the US, you would think that a Conservative states that talk about Jesus Christ and G.W Bush would have the lowest, why is that?

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition that holds liberty as the primary political value.[1] Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power, especially of government and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports relatively free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed[2]. Liberalism rejected many foundational assumptions which dominated most earlier theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status, and established religion. Fundamental human rights that all liberals support include the right to life, liberty, and property. In many countries, %26quot;modern%26quot; liberalism differs from classical liberalism by asserting that government provision of some minimal level of material well-being takes priority over freedom from taxation. Liberalism has its roots in the Western Enlightenment, but the term now encompasses a diversity of political thought, with adherents spanning a large part of the political spectrum, from left to right. In the context of economics, the term %26quot;liberalism%26quot; refers to economic liberalism, which is associated with the political ideology of liberalism itself.

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

You kind of answer yer%26#039; own question...LOL

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

Isn%26#039;t that obvious?


That way in 2 generations... the problem would take care of itself.

THEN we could change back to being %26quot;GOOD HUMAN BEINGS%26quot;

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

yes. thank you for that educational little tidbit.

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

That%26#039;s a good question. Maybe it%26#039;s the idea that love, not beating people over the head with the proverbial brick, has a better shot at keeping a relationship strong?

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

Higher education and living together in the north before marriage tends to lower the rate...Christians must marry..thus not knowing if it will work out..

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

IF you look at surveys, you will find that Liberal leaning states have lower divorce rates in general. I think it is because of the hypocritical nature of religion and real life. The southern states especially have traditionally less emphasis on education and more on theology, and more people get married at a younger age, hence they are less mature and more likely to get divorced.

Bleeding Heart Liberal?

When you only have 6 people in the entire state who are married, it%26#039;s tough to have a lot of divorces.

Yeah answerman - if we look at the people who founded this country they were real liberal right -

Work or starve - that%26#039;s not a liberal idea.

Fight or live in tyranny - that%26#039;s not a liberal idea

Hitler was trying to change a lot of things - so with your typically simplistic definition, he was a liberal right?

Man that was easy and I haven%26#039;t even had my coffee yet.

Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh! (traditional format) deck?




Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning


Majestic Mech - Ohka

Cyber Dragon

Gravekeeper%26#039;s Spy x3

Exiled Force

Exploder Dragon

Spirit Reaper

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Magician of Faith

Dark Magician of Chaos

Tribe Infecting Virus

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

Reflect Bounder

Witch of the Black Forest

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer






Mirror Force

Magic Cylinder

Bottomless Trap Hole

Divine Wrath

Nightmare Wheel

Ring of Destruction

Call of the Haunted




Tribute to the Doomed

Hammer Shot


United We Stand

Pot of Avarice

Premature Burial

Change of Heart


Snatch Steal

Hapies Feather Duster

Mage Power

Nobleman of Crossout

Monster Reborn

Rate my deck... NO SUGGESTIONS!! (Plz do not answer if you are going to make fun of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)

Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh! (traditional format) deck?

i would not make fun of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG i love playing Yu-Gi-Oh! it%26#039;s better then pokemon TCG and your deck is quite good if you add dark magician, dark magician girl asnd skilled dark magciain i will rate it 10/10 because this deck will be strong.

Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh! (traditional format) deck?

its good

Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh! (traditional format) deck?


Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh! (traditional format) deck?

id give you 7 out of 10

Framingham Heart Study - Those Who Lowered Their Cholesterol DIED SOONER - Are You Aware Of This Lit

Are you aware of the little known fact that from the Framingham Heart Study which showed

%26quot;THOSE WHO LOWERED THEIR CHOLESTEROL LEVELS DURING THE FIRST 14 YEARS OF THE STUDY , SUFFERED A HIGHER RATE OF ALL- CAUSE AND CORONARY MORTALITY DURING THE FOLLWING 18 YEARS.%26quot;- See here - all the way at the bottom click on Colpo%26#039;s reply to Dr. Smetanikov in the %26quot;Adressing The Critics%26quot; section

Also here

%26quot;After age 50 , 11 % OVERALL and 14 % CVD death rate INCREASE per 1 mg/dl DROP in cholesterol%26quot;


Framingham Heart Study - Those Who Lowered Their Cholesterol DIED SOONER - Are You Aware Of This Little Known?

No they did not. Unlike you, I read medical literature and interpret it myself.

It%26#039;s amazing that for all your claims, you have NEVER cited a source besides Colpo and his buddies.

If what you%26#039;re saying was true, then surely there would be a reputable scientist to backup the crackpots.

Framingham Heart Study - Those Who Lowered Their Cholesterol DIED SOONER - Are You Aware Of This Little Known?

Yes they did CMK1956. Report It

Framingham Heart Study - Those Who Lowered Their Cholesterol DIED SOONER - Are You Aware Of This Little Known?

Is this Razwell R/ Ashley A asking the same question again? Here is my answer again.

Razwell, you seem to have a habit of posting statements based on questionable sources. Do you actually want a response from a health care professional? Am I wasting my time here providing additional information? However you want to look at it many people will live longer with statins than they will off of them.

Yahoo answers is for people seeking answers. If you are seeking to inform people find another website.

Framingham Heart Study - Those Who Lowered Their Cholesterol DIED SOONER - Are You Aware Of This Little Known?



YOU and YOUR INDUSTRY will be hurt financially by this THIS is why you try to insult me.

I WILL expose this FRAUD to the public.


Framingham Heart Study - Those Who Lowered Their Cholesterol DIED SOONER - Are You Aware Of This Little Known?

Reputable scientists- LIKE ALL 74 AT THINCS?


Dr Kilmer McCully is a mamber of THINCS and SUPPORTS DR. UFFE RAVNSKOV

it is NOT even a question of %26quot;Support%26quot;

It is about SHOWING WHAT THE RESEARCH HAS FOUND- and this is EXACTLY what Dr Ravnskov is doing.



I'm in the middle of nowhere and I find someone do I check if there heart is

I%26#039;m in the middle of nowhere and I find someone do I (quickly) check if there heart is beating...

Also how can I find the regularity, rate and strength of heartbeat?

I%26#039;m in the middle of nowhere and I find someone do I check if there heart is beating...?

take their pulse.

I%26#039;m in the middle of nowhere and I find someone do I check if there heart is beating...?

The quickest way to check for circulation is on the next, feel for a pulse.

The normal checks would be:

in this order ABC




I%26#039;m in the middle of nowhere and I find someone do I check if there heart is beating...?

pulse neck or wrist

I%26#039;m in the middle of nowhere and I find someone do I check if there heart is beating...?

check pulse and listen to chest

Annie Annie are you ok??!

Rate this...?

Can you rate my chapter. My age group is 10-14. If you could, can you rate it as my age group then as an adult%26#039;s?

My brother took me to an A.M.L. bank, the most successful bank in the country. It was the weekend, so we were allowed to leave campus, required that someone over fifteen takes us, Alex was over fifteen. I don鈥檛 know why Alex went to the bank; I think it was to open an account or something like that.

A loud voice shattered my eardrums. Me and Alex turned around in spite of ourselves, a masked man, wearing a brown shirt and black pants stood there, holding a hand gun. I really wanted to hide in my pants, but that was impossible. Relax Sophie, it鈥檚 probably nothing, relax.

The man aimed at the customers of the bank; which were a few. The thief took a gun from a security guard. 鈥淪tand where you are!鈥?he said. 鈥淚 have a gun and a bomb here.鈥?br> The bankers raised their hands, so did the customers, I was scared that I felt that my heart would fall out. Alex wasn鈥檛 sweating or showing any kind of fear, I wondered why.

The thief eyed us, holding a really huge bag. He threw it to a banker, 鈥淔ill this with money!鈥?The banker crouched to get money. 鈥淎nd be quick about it!鈥?br> 鈥淎lex,鈥?I whispered. 鈥淲hat鈥檚 happening?鈥?br> 鈥淥h, I don鈥檛 know,鈥?he whispered. 鈥淚 guess the bank is being robbed.鈥?br> Whoa, Alex had never been sarcastic before, sarcasm hurts. The thief looked at us, 鈥淣o whispering!鈥?br> Almost everyone heard police sirens, I was slightly relieved. My legs quit quivering, and Alex expressed some sort of worry when we heard the police sirens. I guess he didn鈥檛 want to see anyone arrested, even if the person was a thief.

鈥淪urrender yourself, you have nowhere to go,鈥?said one of the police officers. The banker had just finished loading the cash; he threw it to the bank robber. He caught it. The robber took my hand, aiming the gun at my head. He dragged me to the front of the bank. I swear, my joint almost got dislocated.

鈥淚鈥檝e got a kid here!鈥?he announced to the police. 鈥淒on鈥檛 even think about shooting!鈥?br> 鈥淵ou鈥檝e got nowhere to go!鈥?the police said. 鈥淯nhand the child!鈥?Well, that was typical of adults to think we鈥檙e dim-witted.

鈥淵eah,鈥?the bank robber said. 鈥淲ho鈥檚 going to make me?鈥?I was scared stiff that he or the police might do something, but before I even had the time to think, the robber grabbed me, running to a street corner. My joint would have got dislocated.

鈥淲hat are you doing?!鈥?I said.

鈥淚鈥檓 saving your life, that鈥檚 what I鈥檓 doing.鈥?He said.

鈥淪aving my life?鈥?I was aghast. 鈥淵ou鈥檙e the one who robbed the bank, not me.鈥?br> 鈥淭he police would have done something with me, and that would cost you your life too.鈥?So he had no intention of killing me, I don鈥檛 think, maybe he stole because鈥?I had to ask, I just had to.

I was about to ask the bank robber why he stole the money. He unmasked himself, I couldn鈥檛 believe my eyes.

Rate this...?

It is interesting, but a bit choppy. That%26#039;s what rewrites are for. I call rewriting %26quot;polishing%26quot;. Try listening to the words as you read them, and working on rounding out the rough edges a bit. First of all remember the rule about me and I - It should be Alex and I turned around. Also it%26#039;s %26quot;my joint would have gotten dislocated.%26quot;

Little mistakes like that are a huge turn off to publishers and agents. They show not only amateur work but immature work. Those are the kinds of things you need to work on smoothing out. Next, I would like to see you expand on the emotional aspects of your characters. This is someone under 15 years old - standing alone in a bank being robbed with her brother. And yet for some reason, the girl seems pretty cool about the whole thing.

Try some more visualization. Tell me what is really going on. This bank robber - is he nervous? Sweating? Shaky? How does the girl really feel when the guy grabs her? Those kinds of visuals will add drama to the scene. Funny thing when you are writing for YA, they like drama and lots of it. Really get into it - over drama is better than less drama in that age group. The end is very dramatic. So work backwards. Add that kind of drama to the rest of it.

You say this is your third chapter. How have you set the work up? Is it framed? Is this a flashback of some kind?

That might work very well in this situation. Hope that helps. Pax-C

Rate this...?

ummmm, not my type i like the descriptiond and stuff though!!!!!

Heart palpitations, high pulse low blood pressure?

I%26#039;m 15 weeks pregnant. In the last week I%26#039;ve been having heart palpitiations, pretty frequently, certainly every hour. I spent last Thursday in the emergency room, they did an EKG when I walked in, it looked good. Drew blood, started me on fluids as I was dehydrated from morning sickness and took a urine specimin. After the fluids finished up they put me on a heart moniter (rythmn and pulse) blood pressure check every 15 minutes and blood oxygen/breath rate. Things had settled down, nothing really showed on the moniter save for a few odd beats, nothing serious. The blood/urine tests were ok. They did CBC and electrolyte panel. The only thing that showed up was some mild ketosis from not being able to keep anything down. I%26#039;ve also had episodes of after eating my pulse will speed up to 95-100 bpm and my blood pressure will be around 105/60. Low for me. At physical therapy the other day after mild excersice my bp was 112/65 (again lower than my normal.)

Heart palpitations, high pulse low blood pressure?

Ok, I know its difficult to maintain proper hydration with morning sickness. Ask your doctor for an anitemetic (scopolamine, phenergen) for days when the vomitting is really bad. Your irregular heartbeats probably came as a result of dehydration as decreased blood volume is a bit of shock to your system.

What concerns me is the increased heart rate when you eat. I have heard of this in conjunction with an ailing gallbladder.

As far as your blood pressure is concerned, pregnancy just messes with it. Generally hypertensive patients will suddenly become hypotensive and vice-versa.

Do what you can to maintain proper fluids, take your vitamins, exercise as much as you can tolerate, keep all of your prenatal appointments, eat well and dont be afraid to call the doctor or go to the ER if something isnt right. Good Luck

Heart palpitations, high pulse low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure means below 90/60. Your blood pressure at 105/60 and 112/65 is very good and is actually much better than the normal of 120/80. Lower down to 90/60 is much better than higher up to 140/90.

Your pulse is certainly a bit high because the normal is from 60 to 80 and below 60 down to 50 or even 45 is much better than higher up to 95 or 100.

You should not really be checking you BP and pulse after eating because they are both meant to be checked at least a couple of hours after eating.