
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

I%26#039;m 18 %26amp;for almost 3 years now i%26#039;ve been suffering from Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome, also known as dysautonomia. Somehow my little mitral valve in my heart is causing all sorts of problems for me.

I suffer from the following symptoms of MVPS:

-Tachycardia- my heart will often go up to rates of 160-180 and stay up for anywhere from 3-8 hours causing severe chest pain and shortness of breath

-Anxiety %26amp; Panic attacks

-Horrible headaches

-Inability to concentrate

-Bad reactions to adrenaline(my body reacts horribly to adrenaline, when I get scared or anything like that I get muscle spasms and my body shakes sometimes for up to an hour)


I find it very difficult to work under these circumstances and my doctor tells me I should be on disability but I went to a lawyer and he said they wouldn%26#039;t approve me? Is this true or should I see a different lawyer

I really need the money for school but I fear I won%26#039;t be able to keep whatever job I find with all this going on :-/

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

You don%26#039;t need a lawyer to apply for disability. The doctor who told you - you should be on disability is right. Your heart disease qualifies you and not the other problems like horrible headaches or panic attacks; etc. You need him to write up a certification to that effect. Ask him to put it in writing his findings and reason for the disability application.

It took me well over 8 months to fight for mine. Plus countless doctors%26#039; visits and doctor%26#039;s medical reports and evaluations and surgeries. SSA ( social security administration) did pay it all retroactively from the time I became disabled. I didn%26#039;t use a lawyer and saved way over $4,000.00.( SSA mentioned this because they usually withhold that fees)

Also, because you%26#039;re young, you should go for the MVR ( mitral valve replacement ) surgery. I%26#039;m sure it will certainly improve the quality of your life.

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

surgery?....might help

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

I reckon you should be able to claim disability for that, get a claim form from your social security or job centre and see if they accept you

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

Disability living allowance is nothing to do with lawyers just go onto and fill in the application on line.

Good luck

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

Of course you should get social security disability.. Collect all your doctor information, names addresses and phones number. Call social security. Ask them to send you an application for disabilty. The the number is 1-800-772-1213. Now yes you might be turn down. BUT you then get a lawyer. I live in Michigan and that%26#039;s how I got my disability. They turned me down and I had brain surgery and was left with numerour problems. I%26#039;ve even got a hole in my skull. The neat thing about this is that you will get a big fat check once you are approve. It covers back pay from the day you filled out your application. FIGHT, lawyers get a percentage for the case but you don%26#039;t pay anything up front. DO fight. I%26#039;ve have done a lot of research on this even had a letter published in our local paper. Thousands get turned down at their first try. You can do this.

Please help! Disability for 18 yr old w/ heart condition?

The problem is that you are asking a lawyer about your ability to work is like asking a doctor about a law suit. The bottom line is with your problems face years of medical supervision and companies don%26#039;t hire because of the cost to their insurance. It may take longer but I think the stress of working will do more harm than good.

I don%26#039;t know about heart conditions but if you have a medical condition it is very hard to find work. As for school they can%26#039;t turn you down. Good luck and God be with you.

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