
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes..

and my heart was pounding soo fast. I took my blood pressure and it was 123/91...w/ a pulse rate of 124.....whats was wrong with me...I%26#039;m scared to go to work tomorrow, I dont want to have another episode.

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

Sounds like a classic panic/anxiety attack. Although honestly a pulse rate of 124 is not too high. To put in perspective, when a 24 year old does a cardio work out, his/her pulse rate should be at about 155 bpm. So 124 is not enough to cause extreme duress on the heart. It does sound like an anxiety/panic attack, so you might want to consult your Doctor about your options, especially if you have any more episodes.

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

anxiety attack. Go to the doctor.

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

If you have a primary care physician, you should call him/her. A pulse of 124 is pretty high and it can have that effect. The good news is that most of the time it can be corrected with medications. It just depends on what is making your heart race. Only a doctor can figure that out with tests. A normal pulse is between 60 - 100.

If you do not have a primary care physician, then go to the emergency room. This is your heart and you only have 1.

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

it seems to me like a panic attack.calm your self, control your breathing and go to visit a doctor

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

go see a doctor or emergency room immaturely or call 911

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

You could be having an anxiety attack as above answers but it also could be a condition called atrial fibrillation. You really should go to a doctor or the emergency department

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

Since it is now Sunday, go to the ER OF call 911 if it happens again. DO NOT try to drive yourself to the ER if it happens agian. There is a time and place for 911 and it sounds like what you are having might be one of them. IF you choose not to go to the ER Please call your primary care MD first thing this morning and tell whomever is on-call what you%26#039;re experiencing. You need an EKG if nothing else.

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

Actually 124 pulse rate isnt that bad, heres the problem, you are scared, the more fear you store in your brain the faster your pulse becomes, you may not think you are suffering anxiety but you are. Just the other day I had to much caffine and my pulse was 120, and I just took a deep breath and calmed down, and 20 minutes later it was back down to 80. If I were you Id worry more about your blood pressure, the 91 has me a bit worried for you. PS,Dont listen to this one writer who says to call 911, they,d laugh at you, Im thinking your having a panic attack, the more you panic the worse it will become.

High pulse rate????....Today I felt like I was going to faint, had short of breath, had the shakes.....?

Anxiety, Stress...too most common culprits. Watch your sodium, and drink Chamomile Tea.

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